• Address: 45/46 Block “BB” Service Industrial,
    Area, Majengo - Shinyanga, Tanzania

  • Call Us: +255 754 722550

MFCL Economical, Social & Environmental Impacts

FCL has provided an assurance of certain prices to smallholder farmers through contract farming. Farmers go into farming practices with reliable markets from the buyers including MFCL being the leader. Also the provision of agro inputs and training on good agricultural practices has enormously increased productivity hence profitability to farmers and enhanced food security. Currently, MFCL is working on contract farming basis with 5,521 small holder farmers in Uyui, Urambo, Igunga & Kaliua in Tabora region; and Shinyanga Rural in Shinyanga region. During CARI II a total number of 992 new smallholder rice farmers will increase; these are from Mbogwe (308) and Msalala (684).

Environmental Aspects

Generally, there are varying environmental issues related to cereals processing. Indiscriminating disposal of cereal mill wastes (and particularly rice and maize husks) near the neighbourhoods of the mills may result into pollution since husks are high in silicon which is hazardous to health. Rice husks and dusts if not controlled from processing may cause harm to the environment especially during wind and rainy seasons. It can be easily spread across nearby areas and cause environmental pollution.

Social Economic Impact
To control environmental pollution caused by husks and dusts, MFCL has set a standard control of removing the husks and dump them in farms for manure decaying. Furthermore, it provides the husks to brick layers for free for burning purposes of the bricks, taken out of the factory for animal food processing.

The presence MFCL has been lucky thing to various beneficiaries such as SBL, TBL, WFP, Wholesalers, retailers and end user of MFCL products. The company has directly employed 26 full time and 88 part time staffs and more that 5,000 smallholder farmers who benefitting from MFCL service provided to them including assurance markets.

For more information contact us today!


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