• Address: 45/46 Block “BB” Service Industrial,
    Area, Majengo - Shinyanga, Tanzania

  • Call Us: +255 754 722550

Back in 2016, Musoma Food Company Ltd operated as a local company targeting local market for its products, mainly rice and corn flour. The company relied heavily on its outlets in Shinyanga and Mwanza and small trucks which supplied rice and corn flour to food vendors around Shinyanga town. Few tons of rice were sold to off takers from Arusha and Dar es Salaam. This was highly due to the inconsistence to get adequate and quality supply paddy resulting into significant shortage of raw materials for operation. Despite of having good machines, MFCL continued to produce low quality products that couldn’t compete in the market.

Currently, MFCL has been awarded a tender by World Food Program (WFP) to supply 2,000MT of rice to refugees’ camps in Western Tanzania. MFCL is also supplying 6MT of rice per week to Kenyan traders via Namanga border.

CARI Project has helped farmers who supply paddy to MFCL to strengthen business relations with the buyers. For example, farmers in Bukangilija and Nyida now practice collective selling because of FBS training received during the project period. This ensures MFCL the availability of the quantity of paddy required and in turn ensures the farmers of market availability.

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